Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I think it is much better to have too many things to do than to be bored, but I have been so so so so busy lately! I'm loving all of it, but there's never any time to reflect on any of it. The only times I really think about all of the amazing stuff I'm doing is on my 25 minute walk to and from campus every day. At first I thought having to walk that far would be annoying but it's one of my favorite parts of the day because I get to think. I'm finally realizing that I'm not going to live here forever, and in about a month I'll be sitting in Minnesota remembering those long walks to SOAS, and thinking how surreal it is that I actually lived in London. And that's kind of sad because I just want to enjoy it now while I can!

Saint Pancras station on Euston Road. I can see it from my window, and walk past it everyday on my way to classes. I decided to take a picture of it a few days ago because I realized that once I'm back in the states, the things I will most want pictures of are the things that I see daily, but those are never the things I think to photograph.
We got our first snow here in London two days ago!  I woke up to a text from my friend Maya who was a little more excited than I was because it doesn't really snow much in England apparently. But the snow hasn't really been sticking, so I've only managed to throw one snowball, at Maya, on our way to class that morning. Clearly some more snow warfare is in order but it might have to wait till Minnesota. In the mean time, student protests are getting intense. Almost everyday there is some kind of action. For the past 10 days students have been occupying our main auditorium hoping to put  pressure on the administration to release a statement condemning the cuts to education. The school filed an injunction making the occupation officially illegal, but it doesn't seem to have had made much of a difference, and students are still camped out there. The latest news is that the administration has finally agreed to enter into negotiations with the students, so i guess the occupation has been successful at least to an extent (I was a little skeptical when I first heard that students were going to occupy their own space..). Some good English musicians: Johnny Flynn and Laura Marling.

I've now been to all of the big markets in London, and the Camden Lock one is definitely my favorite. There crafts for sale there seem to be a little bit more unique than at some of the other markets. And the vibe in Camden Town is just really cool anyway. They actually have a place where you can get the dead skin bitten off of your feet by fish!!
Lottie, Kate and I went to the Hyde park market this weekend! It's a German market, so there is all kinds of delicious sausage and beer for sale, plus waffles with chocolate sauce and hot chocolate with baileys. We did a little holiday shopping, bought some Santa hats that light up, and decorated some gingerbread men. We had to pay to decorate the gingerbread, which was of course intended for a younger audience, but in a moment of extreme maturity we decided to splurge, and ended up having some pretty inappropriately lewd cookies to show for it...