Friday, August 12, 2011

Anna and I are in Cusco! So far almost we have had a lot of classic tourist moments, but were having a really good time despite it. First, I dont have a lot of clothes in South America, so I had to wash all my underwear when I first got to Annas house in Lima. I put my 4 pairs (the only other pairs I brought besides the ones I was wearing) in the dryer. When I came back from them an hour later, they had vanished. My current theory is that the dryer must have eaten them, but that left me with zero pairs of clean underwear for the next week.

Then, Anna and I got on our coach (the nicest coach I have EVER seen, hands down) for the 20 hour bus ride to Cusco. It had these huge comfy seats like in first class on airplanes, and they gave you the softest blankets ever, and we got to watch movies for hours and hours. Unfortunately, we both got sick from the food, and have spent a good part of the last 48 hours on the toilet.

We made it to Cusco, which is BEAUTIFUL and surrounded steep and jagged mountains of the Andes. It is really touristy though, in a kind of confusing way. One American I talked to earlier today said he felt like the whole country was kind of like a jungle themed Disneyland, and in some ways it definitely feels like that. Everything is for tourists, and so it feels incredibly disconnected from what Peru is like for Peruvians. But at the same time, tourism is such a part of Peru that tourism has in some ways become what Peru is. I dunno, its weird, but I cant really judge since Ive only been here for 2 days now. However, neither Anna nor I will be taking many pictures, since both of our cameras have broken since we arrived.

A lot of things have gone well though. I ate cow heart yesterday - grilled on a stick with potato - which was not nearly as nasty as it sounds. I really couldnt tell it was heart since it was sliced up, and it was a little chewy but pretty tasty. Today we tried Alpaca - also grilled on a stick - and it was also really good!

Last night the hostel were in had karaoke, so after a couple Piscos Anna and I did a pretty fantastic rendition of Californication. Tonight were resting ourselves for a biking tour of some more ruines tomorrow.

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