Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's already illegal to be homosexual in Uganda (as it is in many sub-saharan African countries) and a current bill would make homosexuality punishable by death if one of the 'offenders' has previous convictions, is HIV positive, or is under 18. The bill would also make advocating for LGBT rights illegal, and raise the penalty for engaging in homosexual acts to life in prison.

I don't have anything new to add to the same-sex marriage debate other than my disbelief. Aren't there enough real problems in the world that need brain power and money? How can so many people think that restricting the rights of something as harmless as marriage is worth any amount of effort?
(and I know I'm about 2 months behind the media storm on this issue, but I didn't have a blog 2 months ago, and it's still important)

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