Friday, July 8, 2011

They say that when youre learning a language, you go from thinking you don't know anything, to starting to feeling pretty good cause you're getting the hang of it, to realizing how incredibly daunting it actually is to become fluent in another language. So while I suppose my recent frustration with my Spanish abilities is a sign of progress, it's still just frustrating to realize just how many different words there are and how I'm never possibly going to know more than a fraction of them.
Luckily, after 2 days of struggling through UN documents written in Spanish, Dan and Sammy (who speak no Spanish, though Dan would argue that he could teach Spanish lessons) have arrived in English.
Yesterday we went to our first salsa dancing class, which was kind of hilarious, but since Cali is the world salsa dancing capital, we kind of had to at least try it. We got quite stoned before hand, which probably didn't help with the hilarity, but definitely helped me keep the beat. Today we had our second lesson, but Sammy backed out at the last minute, so we told the instructor and everyone at the class that he was having really smelly, exlposive diarrhea, hehehe.

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